"hollywood trash"

My photo
west hollywood, california, United States

Monday, November 19, 2007


the merger of XM & Sirius
is being held up by


FEAR of the big radio corporations losing money


the TRUTH is scarier...what if
we find out exactly why we're in IRAQ

what if we find out that we never
had an exit plan; that we're in IRAQ forever

we don't have osama because
i don't think there's any oil in afghanistan

otherwise we'd be bombing the shit out of them

OIL BABY, OIL -- it's what it's all about

OIL, you say niki, well then we
the people will benefit from
being where the OIL is, right?

wrong...gas companies are posting
record setting earnings this financial quarter
and strangely we the people are still paying
rising prices at the pump

i say this:
use less gas--
question authority--
and, say a little prayer for all
the soldiers fighting for our right
to drive our cars, fly our planes, get
our supplies -- you know, life~

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


my great-grand uncle was once
president and chairman-of-the-board of
paramount pictures

it's true

barney balaban held not only
those positions, but he also pioneered
the idea of the 'air-conditioned' movie theater.

(and he owned an original copy of the bill of rights)

i used to revere him--
now, i'm embarrassed.

he did save paramount from bankruptcy, but
according to one of my heroes, frank capra,
barney balaban was not totally to blame for:

"starting hollywood's grand downward
glide, for he was a real-estate man hostage
to real-estate logic"

perspective -- it's what's for linner~                     

Friday, November 02, 2007


dorothy parker
founding member of the writers guild

i'm working on my green day movie and
someone says, 'this is a perfect opportunity to
take advantage of the movie business because
all the 'other writers' will be striking'

how silly--

i have to back my fellow writers in their
stand against getting shoddy compensation
for creating some of the greatest
works of our culture

anyone who thinks the words that
pout out of angelina jolie's lips are created
by ms. jolie is very, let's say misguided

in hollywood writers need actors and actors need writers

sort of like a fry cook needs a waitress
as much as a waitress needs a fry cook

their compensation, however...most times...miles apart

pick your jobs carefully--BUT ALWAYS

Sunday, October 14, 2007

um, ok~

Friday, August 31, 2007

dorothy parker...redux

about 6 years or so ago, i started working on a play about the genius of dorothy parker...i'll cut to the chase and say, lest anyone thinks i don't get it, 'dorothy parker was one of the greatest, most versatile writers of the 20th century'

and guess what?

she never graduated junior high school or whatever society has decided to name that period in our young lives when we felt fairly good about ourselves -- that gentle feeling that transmuted into hate due to the onset of puberty...and brainwashing

thanks to everyone who came out last week to see me perform in my, well, what some may call irreverent, (read truthful),view of mrs. parker

and, while i'm ranting -- it is not disrepectful to generously use the words fuck and shit in my piece as those were two of parker's favorite words--

she was who she was because she, that's who she was--for god's sake just look at the woman...she was a partier to beat all

if you want to see someone all dolled-up in 1920's garb and put on some sanctimonious bullshit about mrs. parker, be my guest -- only remember to tell the audience that what you're doing is saving them and yourself from the truth...

fuck! i feel so relieved~                                                                           

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

what i did with my summer vacation...MONEY

instead of gathering funds to flee the shriveled streets of baltimore this hot, rainless summer, i charged $800 to purchase storyboard software.

what is a storyboard, you may ask. a storyboard is the way to put a written movie script into little pictures that outline the entire screenplay. this is so someone can visually see your idea of a film before it is even made. this particular software, which is pretty fantastic, is for people who can't draw. it's all cut-and-paste and color, if you dare!

if you're over 45, think coloform characters on your computer; THEY DON'T FUCKING BEND!!! (like vaginaless barbie and dickless ken).

but, i learned a whole new skill.

i say this, it's not what you do with your summer vaction, it's all where you go~                                                                                           

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday, July 02, 2007

the catonsville '59'

our fair town has had its share of activists...today that honor is shared by 59 kids from the city that brought you the catonsville 9

these compassionate teenagers spent months planning a trip to descend on the southern coast of mississippi to rebuild homes flattened by katrina

thank you--



and gino

and thank you everyone
who made the trip possible--what a nice miracle

you are the greatest!


miss niki

Friday, June 22, 2007


(does anyone really know
how to pronounce his name?)

he said if you commit to something
everything falls into place

so, today begins pre-production
of seize the green day -- the movie

there...i said it -- bring it on
(concept and photo) -- jim burger~                                                             

Thursday, June 14, 2007

little edie beale

ahead of the curve...
an homage to little edie beale, circa 2004

check out grey gardens on broadway: watching christine ebersole is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of deal (don't let the slowness of the first act keep you from the second, which is mezmerizing~)

Friday, June 08, 2007

i haven't read much about green day
injecting 'working class hero' into american idol

their intent seems lost
on everyone

allow me to pontificate--


it's time and
it's this generation's turn,
revolt...let's go

if something is fucked up,
seek to change it~                                                                                   

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007



Monday, April 16, 2007



if you are a Beatle's fan and never got to see them, this is the way: to hear the music played by some of the greatest session players in the world.

they play the tunes exactly as they were recorded, trading off instruments and adding strings and horns, and then, they jam. amazing.

i ended grabbing an empty front row seat half-way through the show. I was lucky enough to have will lee sing mother nature's son right to my face. It was almost too emotional to open my eyes. what a treat~                                                                                  

Friday, April 13, 2007

for the greater good

"I want to come back and build again. I recommend it to everyone. It not only builds a home for a stranger, but it also builds a home for your soul." Billie Joe Armstrong


Wednesday, April 11, 2007


"My Nemesis: Stories About the Enemies, Bullies, and Brawls That Have Shaped Us"



miss niki


The Third Reich Open Mic
by niki lee © April 2007

My father believes that he is the illegitimate son of Albert Einstein. He told me this about two years ago and swore me to secrecy, which meant not telling my two younger brothers. However, there is a possibility that it's all true.


Because my grandmother, my father's mother, lived next door to Einstein in Princeton.

Then I thought, why the hell am I keeping this crazy shit in my brain? So I started telling everyone I knew just to get that poisonous delusion out of my head. To my friend Lisa, it cleared up a major issue. “Well, that would explain your hair.”

(al and me)

My father is an undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, my opinion just in case he tries to sue me. He’s one of those guys who was able to slip through the system like Ted Bundy or O.J. As a young man, he was brilliant, charming and good looking--Prince Jeffrey Marshall Albert, J.M.A. On paper it only got better. He attended the prestigious Lawrenceville Prep, Princeton Undergrad and Harvard Law. He was the youngest law professor ever to receive tenure at George Washington University in the 1960s. They probably guessed he was nuts at G.W. But mostly, to everyone there, including his poor secretary, he was cruel. On one student evaluation form a kid pleaded “Please send Professor Albert to Viet Nam!” I protected my father for a long time. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I couldn’t imagine that my father was a man capable of beating small children; a man capable of telling me day after day, year after year, that I was stupid, worthless, fat and ugly and that I would never amount to anything. He was a man capable of calling his only daughter a whore while slapping her across the face with the back of his hand causing her lip to bleed. He was a man who lived in a small, dank basement room in our house from which the quality contact with his children was when he’d bang the end of a long broom stick on his ceiling screaming, “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” And people wonder why I’m nervous, depressed and anxious. He had a million irrational fears; fears he had no problem using as a form of mental torture toward others. Prince Albert once told me that he had a difficult time growing up Jewish in New Jersey during WWII. He was the unfortunate victim of discrimination. It was then that he developed an obsessive fear of Germans, specifically Nazis: A fear that never subsided. A fear he had no problem passing on to his children.

One lovely spring morning in 1969, Jeff Albert took the three of us, me 9, my brothers 7 and 5, to a cheap and crappy amusement park near our home. He rarely did anything that resembled fun with us, so it was exciting that we thought he cared. However, he failed to tell us that before we could go to the cheap and crappy Playland, we had to stop at the nearby Hebrew Academy to buy Israeli Bonds.

We would have none of it. From the back of the car we started whining, “We wanna go to Playland! We wanna go to Playland!”

Jeff Albert became furious. Pulling the car over, he turned to the three of us and with a creepy smile seethed:

“Do you know why we need to buy Israeli Bonds?? Do you?? I'll tell you why we need Israeli Bonds, because the Jews need a haven, a place to feel safe. Do you know what the Nazis did to little kids like you in the concentration camps? They would pick them by their ankles and swing them against brick walls until their skulls cracked open."

There was no buffer between J.M.A. and his children; we got the brunt of his brutality. There was no one to get in the middle: no friends, (because he had none), no parents, (they could have cared less), and especially not my mother (who had long since retreated to her bed and remained there for most of the 18 year I spent in that lonely crumbling house in Potomac, Maryland).

Now, when I see similar abusive situations, I jump in to be the buffer, the human shield, the witness. And so it was with trepidation that I agreed to participate in The Third Reich Open Mic.

I teach guitar and voice in the smallish town of Catonsville, Maryland outside of Baltimore. The Third Reich Open Mic is an open mic for kids held once a month in the dreary basement of the Catonsville library. The mom of one of my students gave the event its moniker as the woman who runs it has a heavy German accent and
lots and lots of rules and regulations. This particular mom
thought it might be a great experience if I got all my guitar students together to perform a song at the open mic as a sort of recital.

The kids and I had a great time at the library that fall night and everything sailed along fine even though The German Lady and I didn’t see eye to eye on several issues. My seven students and I performed Green Day’s
Good Riddance without incident. Near the end of the entire show, The German Lady said, “Vee haf some extra time, vould someone else like to perform?”

With that James, the son of the mom who dubbed the evening, raised his hand. The bizzare thing about that is that James has paralyzing stage fright. I had to fight with him to perform drums with the group, and even then he want to sit on the floor of the stage where no one could see him. Weird.

I was sitting next to his mom and dad; we were all stunned -- as were his grandparents and half of Catonsville. On the edge of our seats we asked each other, “What’s he going to do? Will he sing a song? Will he recite a poem?”

He strode up the aisle toward the stage and took the cordless mic from The German Lady, then, with precision and commitment, he proceeded to burp the ABC’s. Once more: he proceeded to BURP THE ABC'S. I didn’t know whether to laugh or run. There was a strange awkward moment, then everyone exploded with laughter; every one except The German Lady.

The German Lady lost her mind. She ran up the aisle toward the stage screaming, “Zees eeze inappropriate, Zees eeze inappropriate!!!!!!!”

She grabbed James’ arm and started pulling him off the stage. But James kept burping and burping and burping even when The German Lady pulled the mic out of his hand. He kept burping all the way down the aisle until he sat down with his friends.

The German Lady pointed at James shrieking,
“You vill be banned. You vill be banned.”

I thought the kid was brilliant. However, I’m in a small minority, a minority of middle-aged women who still find burps, especially talking in 'burp language,' extremely hilarious.

But, I knew The German Lady wasn’t through with James yet. She started coming for him from the front of the room. She was coming for him and she was coming fast. His parents, incapacitated with laughter and humiliation, didn't see what was about to happen. So, I immediately jumped out of my seat and leapt to James’ side becoming the buffer, the human shield, the witness.

I saw her, I saw that German Lady, I saw that light blue polyester pant’s suit of hers all in a bunch as she sped her gait. Then, in my minds’ eye, that blue polyester suit began turning into something ugly, something dark, something black, something resembling that of an S.S. officer. She rounded the aisle heading toward the back of the room and her angry grey hair was flying. Willing to take the hit, I stood in front of James, stuck out my arm and boldly yelled, “Israeli Bonds bitch!!! Israeli Bonds!!”

Now even though my alleged Granpappy Al inadvertently created a way for humans to blow themselves to smithereens, he was a peacenik. He was quoted as saying, “There is no peace through force, only understanding."

Wise words grandpa.

So fuck you dad, but I forgive you.
This is the daughter of the illegitimate son of Albert Einstein,

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I VOTED!! (for sanjaya)

some one asked how i got turned on to howard stern...

i saw him on t.v. late one night in the

early nineties -- he was playing a game

called 'homeless hollywood squares'

that was it for me!

people think is the great exploiter...

actually, he gives a voice to all the misfits

of the world, including himself

he's generous and takes good

care of those who live on the

most brutal edges of society

howard stern is brilliant...take a listen for

an ENTIRE show

he never stops

asking the questions everyone wants to

ask but are too afraid to

and, if you're scared to listen,

ask yourself why~                                                                                      

Thursday, March 29, 2007