"hollywood trash"

My photo
west hollywood, california, United States

Sunday, March 30, 2008

bethany allison

she is a faithful reader and an excellent artist~
hi bethany!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

the perfect moment

you can dream about it, try to plan it, hope it will come true, all the time wondering...when?

and when it hits, it knocks you on your ass leaving only a memory to unravel and unravel...

you never know: maybe you've given someone their perfect moment~

Friday, March 28, 2008


it's true...in 1966 my cousin marty's band, the cyrkle, opened for the beatles! marty's my mother's first cousin; you figure it out...i never know that shit

so, it's 1966 and my parents have tickets to see marty at r.f.k. stadium in d.c. -- marty!

it's wasn't even nighttime and my parents were
already back home

"what were the beatles like?!? did you see them? did you meet them?!?" i begged

they proceeded to tell me that after marty
played they left because it was too loud with all the girls screaming

no ticket stub
no program
no nothing

what the fuck! even at 7 i knew that was dead wrong...

the whole music thing never panned out for marty

but, i ask you, where do you go after you open for the beatles in your early 20's? anything's got to be a huge comedown -- and it certainly was for marty

we'd go out to dinner in the 70's with my uncle manny and his son, my cousin marty, in asbury park -- at every restaurant that had an unfortunate musician, my uncle manny would always ask if they could play red rubber ball -- the cyrkle's signature song (which was actually written by paul simon)

and every time marty cringed

i asked marty once, when i was older, if he'd ever met the beatles on that tour...he said they flew on the plane with the beatles -- the fab four were in the front of the plane, the press was in the middle and the opening acts were in the back

one night in chicago, the beatles held an audience with the cyrkle for about 10 minutes in the bowels of some massive arena -- that was it...

the sad thing is marty became a bitter, angry man who now looks down his nose at music altogether--the cyrkle never made any money
because they never wrote songs that were hits so that tour was really the end of their pop music career

he is so bitter that recently i sent him a cd of mine, something i composed and recorded, and he sent it back to me, unopened...

i think that about says it all for my cousin marty the bankruptcy attorney~

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

after being yelled at for going out the in door, she was disoriented. the dark room overwhelmed her; noises, bodies, smoke.

turning quickly, someone stopped her by their presence. who was this person mindlessly shuffling his shoes inside the door? she traced him from the bottom of those shoes to the top of his cap.

he turned his head deliberately, staring into her. she was startled, "who?!?" she thought, looking more closely.

her eyes jolted:
'holy shit, it's you!'

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


my aunt linda was barbra streisand's understudy
in the musical funny girl in the 1960's

my aunt linda was good, really good--great even,
really great!

my aunt linda gave me the original cast recording
of funny girl when i was 7--i thought, 'i should learn
to sing like this lady,(la streisand), because she's
really good too!'

my aunt linda was on deal or no deal monday night
and, in her own aunt linda way, she stole the show--i can't remember a word howie mandel said (and...let's set the record straight: i don't have a t.v.: it's not a moral issue,
i'd sit in front of it all day...)

my aunt linda taught me how to outline
my skinny lips with a darker shade of lipstick
for that fuller look

my aunt used to teach how to sing
over the phone from her apartment
in nyc to my suburban nightmare in potomac, md

my aunt linda used to own a bar in
provincetown, massachusetts called the pied piper

my aunt linda is now becoming
the star she was always meant to be at 70...
as a late-bloomer myself, i tip my hat

(my aunt linda and i used to have the
same nose...i kept both halves~
love you aunt linda~)

Friday, March 14, 2008


this photo was taken at the wrap party for 'homicide...life on the street's' first season -- the show was shot exclusively in baltimore

this is jon polito and me--he's a funny guy and
wild actor...i visited his apartment on the pier in baltimore
one night that november of 1992 and he gave me a hounds tooth 1940s detective-kind-of-coat saying, 'honey it's gonna look fabulous on you!'

anywayzzzzzz...working in the wardrobe department
on the crew of homicide for that one month was easily
the worst job i ever had including that stint as a busgirl at the hot shoppes cafeteria in montgomery mall; 1975

let's just say there was an incident involving
ned beatty, a wife beater t-shirt and boxer shorts...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008


i've been cleaning, packing and, you know, generally deconstructing my life for the big move and i've come across some pretty weird stuff

like this old set list of eva's --

eva cassidy, that is

it's funny to see how casually we all took each other...

this was probably sitting on my desk while i was making a phone call to a guy named jose who lived near golden ring mall in baltimore--he was fixing my toyota pickup...

hi eva~

Sunday, March 09, 2008

across the universe

i didn't move off my parent's black naugahyde couch
the week after john lennon was murdered

my head was next to the radio and i listened and cried
as other people cried and every station played beatles' songs

across the universe is just too long as a movie--
however, it is a brilliant, brilliant piece of genius

(i kept wanting to shut it off especially around the
1 hour 45 minute mark but i couldn't do it)

it's sort of like 30 of the greatest music
videos you've ever seen all strung together
in a clever, dramatic way...

she's so heavy alone could carry the entire film--
jesus christ!

the imagery is unfucking believable!
(again with the exclamation points?!?)

i'm taking the fifth on the hackneyed story line
because, the thing of it is, you can never get too much john lennon

love is all you need...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

my snowy house

miss betty from across the street

took this pretty picture

about a month ago

my little


tucked under the icy sycamore...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

pop-pop the drug dealer

philip j. schnitzer circa 1930s

(aka 'pinky to his pals in asbury park, n.j.)

this is the 'little pop-pop'; my favorite of my two grandfathers. the other one, my dad's father, we called 'the big pop-pop' because he was fat.

my pop-pop was an eastside tenement jew who started out life selling rags on the streets of new york city. then he met these two guys, jack and charlie. they became fast-friends and went into the business of running liquor from canada to the u.s. during prohibition.

soon after, jack & charlie opened this cool little place that eventually became the "21" club.

jack & charlie gave pop-pop the exclusive rights to sell their "21" brands of liquor in new jersey. i'm sure that was something right out of the sopranos. at the time we lived near my grandparents in south orange, new jersey. my father moved us away to maryland because the constant flow of black limos pulling up and down my grandfather's street freaked him out.

now i'm moving; moving to california and i'm selling almost everything of value--(frankly, i'm sick of lugging half of this shit around from place to place).

one thing that's not making the trip this time is a little sterling silver christening cup the "21" club engraved upon the occasion of my birth.

below the engraved famous "21" iron gate are the words jack & charlie's "21" and my name underneath that -- niki lee albert, june 9, 1959 8 Lbs. 1 oz.

after some soul-searching i realized that i had dropped the last name, definitely knew when my birthday was and was tired of polishing the god damn thing when it tarnished.

thanks pop-pop for going out their on the edge to save enough money from your slap-ya-on-the-back liquor days to give me this house and my life. i still miss you even though it's been 29 years.

love, niki...